The Spanish Association, with the collaboration of Aniridia Europe, Aniridia-net COST Action and Vissum-Miranza Ophthalmology Clinic, hosts the 6th European Aniridia Conference, that will take place on June 3-5th 2022 in San Juan de Alicante, Spain.
A unique opportunity for expert doctors and researchers to meet and share their last findings and research projects on aniridia and its associated conditions. Many initiatives are ongoing and coordination and cooperation among doctors and researchers is needed. This is one of the main goals of this conference: to develop networks, to reach agreements on diagnosis and care, as well as to start new collaborative projects.
Do not miss this opportunity to meet these scientists and doctors involved in aniridia and contribute with your knowledge and expertise in the field in lively debates.
The language will be English with translation into Spanish.
Registration is now available and Call for Abstracts is open. You can find all the information in the link below:
For further questions, please, send an e-mail to or visit the oficial website.