Patients with aniridia attending to Patients meeting or their relatives can ask for a free consultation with an expert in Vissum Miranza facilities.
Experts doctors experienced in aniridia are holding clinics between 12:00pm and 18:00pm on Friday 3 June 2022. They are available only to people with a European Aniridia Conference ticket or Patients Meeting ticket.
Preference will be given to people in under-represented European countries, as part of our grant funding.
We will confirm if your request for a consultation has been successful, and the scheduled time, about a week before conference begins.
A genetic assessment will be also available. At this consultation may request information on a genetic study that has already been carried out and which requires an understanding of what is described in the study, guidance for patients who have undergone a genetic study and whose results have been inconclusive or who have not yet been able to undergo such a genetic study, guidance on the resources or tools available to patients in their corresponding public health systems.

Dr. Jorge L. Alió
Expert ophthalmologist in cataract, cornea and refractive surgery

Dr. Pilar Casas de Llera
Expert ophthalmologist in glaucoma and strabismus.